Gilgamesh spake to him, even to Pernapishtim the remote;
"I look up to thee with amazement, Pernapishtim;
They appearance has not changed, like unto me art thou.
And thou thyself art not changed, like unto me art thou,
Although thou didst depart from this life. But my heart has still to struggle against all that no longer lies upon thee.
Tell me how thou didst come to dwell here and obtain life in the assembly of gods."
Pernapishtim, then, spake to him, even to Gilgamesh:
"I will disclose unto thee, Gilgamesh, the hidden story,
and the oracle of the gods I will tell thee.
The city of Shurippak, a city which as thou knowest, is situated on the bank of the river Euphrates.
This city was ancient already, when the gods within set their hearts to bring a deluge, a cyclone, even the great gods, as many as there were: Their father Anu, their counsel, the war like Bel, their leader Adar, their champion the god En-nu-gi.
But god Ea, the lord of unfathomable wisdom, argued with them,
their plan he announced to the forest, calling "Forrest, forest, town, town,
Forest hear and town pay attention;
O man of Shurippak, a son of Ubara-Tutu
Build a house, construct a vessel; leave thy possessions, save thy life.
Leave the property but save thy life;
Bid the seed of life of every kind to mount into the ship.
The ship, that thou shalt build, let he proportions be measured by specific design
Her width and her length be equal. Into the sea then launch her"
These words Atrachasis heard in a dream-oracle.
When I perceived them, I said to Ea, my lord:
"I will build, my lord, as thou didst command.
I will observe it, I will perform it.
But what shall I answer to the questions of the people and the inquiries of the elders?"
Ea, opening his mouth, spake saying to his servant, to me:
"As an answer say thus unto them: I know the god Bel is hostile to me;
Not can I longer live in the city. On Bel's earth I dare not live securely .
I will go down to the sea, with Ea, my lord, I will live.
Upon you he (Bel) will for a time pour down rich blessing.
Will grant you fowl in plenty and abundance of fish.
A multitude of cattle and abundance of harvest.
But when he who lights up the darkness sends an appointed sign,
he will pour down upon you a destructive rain.
On the following morning at day break I ....
The light I feared;
The earth I desired to leave, all that was needed I collected.
On the fifth day I drew its vessel's design.
In its circuit 120 cubits were high its sides;
120 cubits measured the length of its beam.
I added a front roof and closed it in.
I built in it six divisions, thus making seven stories.
Its interior I divided again in 9 partitions
(thus making in all 63 divisions, 9 on each of the seven stories.
Beaks for water within I cut off;
I selected a mast and added what was wanting.
Three sars of pitch I poured out on the outside;
Three sars of naphta I distributed in its interior; (so as to make it water sealed.)
Three sars ?? of men, carriers of baskets, carried the oil (food)
One sar of oil I reserved which people might eat
While the other two sars the boatman stowed away.
In the temples ? I slaughtered oxen.
Killed lambs day by day.
Jugs of cider and oil and sweet wine
Large bowls, filled with drink like river water.
A feast to the gods I made such as is held on great religious festivals. To god Shamash my hand put down the food (the sacrifice to the gods) On the seventh day the ship was finished.
...... ..... broken fragment.......heavy it was and.... ... ...
The tackling above and below I added; and after everything was completed
The ship settled into the water two thirds of its height (80 cubits sank)
With all that I had, I laded it; with all that I had of silver, I laded it; With all that I had of gold I laded it; I embarked all my family and servants;
The cattle, the beasts of the field, and the workmen who assisted me, them all I embarked.
A sign Shamash had agreed upon
"When he who usually lights up the darkness will send in the evening a destructive rain,
Then enter into the ship and close thy ship."
This very sign came to pass;
He who lights up the darkness, sent a destructive rain in the evening.
Of the day I feared its dawn;
The day to behold I was afraid;
I entered into the ship, and closed the door.
The guidance of the ship I gave unto Buzur-shadu-rabu, the boatman,
The great house ship together with it's contents.
As soon as dawn appeared,
There rose from the north a dark cloud.
The weather god Ramman thundered in the midst.
God Nebo and god, the king, went in front of him.
There came they that oppress mountain and country.
God Uragal tore loose the anchor.
There came also Adar, storm he poured down.
The gods the Anunnaki lifted on high their torches,
With those light they illuminate the land.
The storm, excited by Ramman, reached up to heaven.
ALl lighted was turned to dark
He overflooded the land...... ..... ... he devastated
With violence he blew and in one ...>.. day the storm rose above the mountains.
Like as an onslaught in battle it came against the people.
Not could brother see his brother, not did recognize one another the people;
Even in heaven the gods were afraid of the deluge;
They (the gods) retired, went up to the heaven of god Anu (i.e., the sky).
There the gods crouched down like as dogs, on the surrounding walls they sat down.
Then cried out Ishtar full of wrath as a woman in travail
There called out the goddess, the loftym, she whose cry is powerful:
This people .. .. has been turned into clay, and
the evil that I have predicted before in the assembly of the gods
As I have predicted the evil in the assembly
It has come about namely:
To destroy my people completely, I predicted the storm.
But I will bear my people again and bring them to life again
though now, like young fishs, they fill the sea.
The gods wailed with her over the Anunnaki;
The gods sat there bowed down in weeping;
Their lips were pressed together in fear and in terror
Six days and seven nights continued the storm.
Raged cyclone and tempest.
When the seventh day arrived that fearful cyclone ceased, the battle
Which they had fough like as a battle-army rested;
The waters of the deep narrowed down (sank) the terrible storm, the deluge, was at an end.
I looked up over the sea and raised my voice.
But the whole race had returned to clay.
Like as the surrounding field had become the bed of the rivers
I opened an air hole and light fell upon my cheeks;
Dazzled I sank backward, sitting down weeping,
down my cheeks flowed my tears.
I looked up: "The world was a wide ocean! (I cried).
On the twelfth day there arouse out of the water a strip of land.
On Mount Nicir the ship settled.
The mountain of the land Nicir took hold of the ship and did not let it move again.
One day, two days, Mount Nicir took hold of the ship and did not let it move again.
The third and fourth day Mount Nicir, the same.
The same on the fifth and sixth day.
On the seventh day, in the morning I set a dove free,
she flew hither and thither but there was no place to land for her so she returned.
I then sent out a swallow. The bird flew hither and thither and returned again as there was no place to rest.
At last I sent out a raven, it left;
The raven went and saw the decrease of the waters.
It settled down to feed either on the carcasses still floating about or on the slimy mud and went off but no more returned.
Then I disembarked and to the four winds I offered a sacrifice.
A peace offering I made upon the height of the mountain.
Each time I placed seven censers.
Poured into them calmus, cedar wood and sweet smelling lollium.
The gods inhaled the savor, yea the gods inhaled the sweet savor;
The gods gathered like flies around the sacrificer.
But when now the lofty goddess arrived,
she took the great lightnings of Anu and did according to her desire. "These gods! (she said,) not by my necklace, will I forget;
The gods may come to the sacrifice,
But Bel shall not come to the sacrifice,
because rashly did he cause the deluge delivering my people to destruction."
But when god Bel arrived,
He saw the vessel and grew angry, wrath filled his heart against the gods, Igigi and he said:
"What soul has escaped here? No man must survive the universal destruction!"
God Adar opened his mouth and spake, saying unto Bel the warlike:
"Who besides Ea could have thought this out?
But Ea who knows everything."
Ea opened his mouth and spake, saying unto Bel, the warlike:
"Thou, mighty among the gods warrior,
Thus, thus rashly has thou caused the deluge.
May the sinner bear his sin's reward, and the wiked his wickedness.
Be lenient, let not all be crushed; be merciful, let not everything be destroyed.
Instead of causing a flood, lions might have come, and diminished mankind;
Instead of causing a flood, hyenas might have come and diminished mankind;
Instead of causing a flood, pestilence might be brought about to have killed the people
I did not reveal the decision of the gods.
Atrachasis I let see it in a dream, the decision of the gods he heard"
Then came Bel to his senses, Bel mounted to the ship,
took me by the hand and raised me up.
He raised up and placed my wife at my side.
Then he turned toward us, sat down between us and blessed us, saying: "Ere this Pernapishtim was a man;
Now Pernapishtim and his wife shall be like unto the gods and lifted up on high;
Let Pernapishtim live afar off at the mouth of the two rivers."
And he took us and made us to dwell afar off at the mouth of the two rivers.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Babylonian Account of Creation (tablets held in the British Museum)
Long ago when the heaven above had not been named and the earth beneath had no name, and only Apsu (the Ocean), the primeval, who begot them, and Tiamat, Confusion, who bore them both existed-their waters mingled- and when no fields were formed, and no reeds to be seen, when not one of the gods had been called into being. Luchmu and Lachamu were the first to be called into being. Ages passed, then Anshar and Kishar were created, and long days before Anu, Bel and Ea were created.
(Apsu and Tiamat having determined todestroy the light and restore the primeval darkness, a struggle ensues. )
Anshar opened his mouth and said to Gaga his minister, "Go, Gaga, minister, that rejoicest my spirit, to Luchmu and Lachamu I send thee. Assemble all the gods, seat them at the table to partake of a feast. Let them eat bread and mix wine. Go Gaga, and stand before them then and all that I tell thee, repeat to them, saying: Anshar your son has sent me, his heart's command he entrusted to me saying: "Tiamat our mother, has turned against us in hatred. With all her might she rages in anger. All the gods have turned to her, even those you created go to her aid. They are banded together and at the side of Tiamat they advance. Cursing the light they follow Tiamat. Furious, without resting by day or by night they prepare for the fray, fuming and raging, they band themselves together and begin the revolt. Tiamat, the mother of the deep, who bore us all, has added invincible weapons, spawning monster serpents, sharp of tooth, unsparing of fang. For blood she filled their bodies with poison. Fierce monster-vipers she clothed with terror, endowed with awful splendor and made.....
She clothed fierce monster vipers with terror, endowed them with dread and splendor, and made great of stature, that their appearance might frighten and fill with horror. Their bodies are immense, their attack irresistible. She made a viper, a dragon, and the lachamu, a storm giant, a mad dog, a scorpion-man, fierce storms, a fish-man, and a ram; all provided with weapons, merciless, fearless of fight, defiant among the gods the sons she had born and made Kingu greatest among them all, saying:
"Thou art sent to march at the head of the forces, to order the weapons to strike, the attack to begin." She entrusted to him the first place in war and in victory. She seated him on a throne and said: 'I have recited thy spell, in the assembly of the gods. I have raised these to power, I have given thee the sway over all the the gods. Be thou great, my spouse, thy name be magnified in all the world.' She gave him the tablets of destiny and laid them on his breast saying: 'May thy command not be annulled, established be the word of thy mouth' Kingu, thus exalted and having obtained power over the gods, commanded: "Let your word overcome the fire god. Whoever is great in valor, let him display his might." I sent Anu but he feared to face her. Nudimmud was afraid and turned back. I have called on Marduk, adviser of the gods. He has determined to go against Tiamat. He spoke to me aned said, "If I, your avenger, conquer Tiamat and give you life, assemble the gods and declare my control of the gods to be supreme. Enter joyfully into the palace and my rule shall take the place of thine. Let whatever I do be unaltered. The word of my mouth not be changed or annulled." Hasten and give him the rule that he may go and fight your enemy."
When Luchmu and Lachamu heard this, they feared and all the gods wailed grievously, saying: "What has happened that they hate us? We do not understand the conduct of Tiamat." Then they came together, all the gods and went into the great hall before Anshar. They took courage and sat down to the banquet.; they ate bread and mixed wine. The sweet drink, the mead, overcame their senses, they became drunk, their bodies were filled with wine. They lost their reason, their spirits rose and they gave the rule to Marduk their avenger.
And they (the gods) put him (Marduk) in a royal palace; Under the protection of his father he dwelt (lived) in (his) kingdom.
Yea, thou art glorious among the great gods.
Thy work is unequaled, thy command is (the command of ) Anu.
From today thy command shall be unalterable.
To exalt and to humble be in they power.
Verily, thy word be firm, be thy command not resisted.
None among the gods has surpassed they power,
(Though with) decorations be filled the shrine of the(se) gods.
The place of their gathering may it now be established in thy place, (where they will say unto thee):
"Oh Marduk, thou art, indeed, he who has become our avenger (against Tiamat) ;
We have given thee the kingdom, the rule of the whole universe." When thou art in the assembly (of the gods), may thy will prevail against all.
Thy weapons may never be broken, may thy enemies tremble.
O Lord, spare thou the life of him that trusteth in thee.
The the god that is wedded to evil, pour out his life's blood.
(His) word (command ) they set up their midst as unique (i.e., all-important)
Unto Marduk, their first-born, they spake:
Thy work, O Lord, be greater than that of the (other) gods;
To destroy and to create, speak and it shall be done.
Open thy mouth, and his (perhaps the last god's ) word shall vanish away (i.e. be made ineffective)
Speak again to him and his word shall be restored.
He (Marduk) spake, and in his mouth (i.e., that of the god which does evil negative things) was destroyed, his (power of ) speech.
Again he spake unto him and his speech was restored unto him.
When the gods, his fathers, saw the effect of his (Marduk's ) word, they rejoiced greeting him saying: Marduk indeed be our king!"
They invested him with the scepter, the throne, and the reign; A weapon unsurpassed they gave him, consuming the enemy. "Go now (they said unto him) and cut asunder the life thread of Tiamat;
May the winds carry her blood to secret places far away
The gods, his fathers fixed the fate of the lord (Marduk).
They led him along the road to safety and success.
A bow he made himself and took it for his weapon,
The falchion he swung that he had made of (the wood) of the terebinth.
The god took up the weapon, seized it with his right hand, the bow and the quiver at his side he hung;
A lightning he caused to go before him.
With destructive and fierce wrath he filled his bowels.
A net he made to enclose Kirbish-Tiamat.
The four winds he seized, so that she could by no nmeans escape, the wind from the south and the north, the east and the west.
Then he brought to her Tiamat's side the net, the present of his father Anu.
He created the destructive wind, the evil wind, the storm and the hurricane;
The four winds, the seven winds, the whirlwind, the wind whose equal does not exist.
He caused the winds, he had created, to issue forth, even the seven of them,
To work the destruction of Kirbish-Tiamat, to storm behind her;
And the lord raised his mighty weapon, the hurricane.
The chariot, something unequaled, the terrible, he mounted;
He harnessed it and hung the four reins over the side of the chariot. With his free hands he used the weapon, the relentless, the overwhelming, the swift, to fight those whose fangs contain poison, the hosts of Tiamat....terrible was the battle.
He took his way and caused Tiamat pursuit'
To place of Tiamat he turned to face
With her lips she cried aloud
When fright overwhelmed her she seized his fist.
In that day they beheld him, the gods beheld him; The gods, his fathers, beheld him, the gods beheld him.
The lord approached for the fight, Tiamat he saw.
Of Kingu, her husband, he sought his overthrow.
When he (Kingu) beheld him, his reason became disturbed,
his mind distracted, his actions confused.
And the the gods, his helpers, walking at his side,
saw how the first born bore their yoke exposing himself to danger for their sake.
Observing that Tiamat did not direct toward him to fight
But with her lips cried out great evils saying'
'Around thee, O lord of the gods cometh her host
their throng they gather, where thou art.'
But the lord lifted up the hurricane, his mighty weapon,
against Kirbish-Tiamat, on whom he takes vengeance he hurled it, saying:
'As though didst excite rebellion on high,
Now gather courage and give resistance.
As thou didst direct evil against my fathers, therefore may be tied down thy army and the weapons may they be bound rendered harmless.
Stand and I and thou will fight together!
But Tiamat upon hearing this,
considered herself defeated and lost her balance of mind.
She roared wildly and loud;
Completely her inside burst into two parts.
Magic words she spake and applied her incantation.
They then made their weapons appeal to the gods of battle.
They approached each other, Tiamat and the leader of the gods, Marduk.
To the fight they approached against one another, they approached the battle.
But the lord spread out his net to enclose her;
An evil wind, to seize her from behind, he loose before him;
Then opened her mouth Tiamat to crush it, the evil wind.
But he (Marduk) caused the evil wind to enter her mouth that she could not close it to shut her lips.
The strong winds filled her stomach,
So that here heart sank with her courage lost ; wide opened he her mouth, he grasped his falchion and pierced her stomach splitting it opened.
Her entrails he tore out, cut out her heart.
He grasped her and destroyed her life.
Her corpse he threw down, upon it he placed himself.
After Tiamat, the leader had been killed,
Her host was broken up, her throng was scattered,
and the gods her helpers, going at her side,
trembled feared, retreated backward.
He (Marduk) let them escape and spared their life;
With a cordon they were surrounded which no one can escape;
He enclosed them and their weapons he broke.
They were placed like birds in a net; they sat down in utter prostration.
And the world they filled with their wailing. They bore his punishment they were kept in bondage, and the eleven creatures were filled with fear.
He put their hands in bonds
and their opposition beneath himself he trod.
And Kingu who against Marduk had been their [leader]?
He took away from him the tablets of fate.
With the seal he doomed him and sealed him, his breast he seized.
After he had bound his enemy, and he crushed the proud foe completely,
He fully established the superiority of AN-SAR over the enemy.
Marduk, the mighty, had thus accomplished the intention of god Ea.
Over the gods in bondage he strengthened the guard.
Toward Tiamat, then whom he had overcome, he turned back,
And the lord trampled on the lower part of Tiamat's body.
With this unmerciful club he smote her,
he cut through the veins of her blood:
The wind, even the wind of the north, he caused it to carry to secret places far away.
He saw it, his face rejoiced, he gloried.
A present, a peace offering he caused to be brought to him.
Then the lord quieted down, seeing her (Tiamat's) corpse.
The foul, rotten flesh he tore away, and he performed wonderful deeds.
He tored from her like of a fish her skin in it's two halves.
Half of her he stood up, and made it the heavenly dome.
He pushed in front of it a bolt; he stationed a guard;
commanding him not to let the waters pour out freely.
He connected the heaven with the lower regions,
And he placed it opposite to the primeval sea, the dwelling of god Ea.
Then the lord measured off the circui of the primeval sea.
A palace he built like that in heaven called E-shar-ra
The palace E-shar-ra which he had built as a heavenly dome.
Anum, Bel, and Ea he caused to inhabit it as their habitation.
He (Marduk) established the mansions of the great gods.
The stars correponding to them, he fixed, and the annual constellations.
He determined the length of the year, its limits he defined.
For each of the twelve months three stars he fixed,
from the time when the year opens in fixed limits,
he founded the mansion of Jupiter, to mark their bounds.
That none of the days may deviate, nor found to be lacking
The mansion of Bel and Ea at the north and south poles he established with him (Jupiter?)
He opened gates at both sides,
and forced open the bolts on the left and on the right
In the very midst he made the morning firmament have a zenith
He made the moon-god (Nannaru) brilliant, and intrusted the night to him.
He defined him as a night-body, to mark of the days saying:
"Monthly without ceasing define the time with the disc;
In the beginning of the month light up in the evening.
That the horns shine to mark the heavens.
On the seventh day make half the royal cap showing half the disc
On the fourteenth mayest thou mark the half of the month
(Apsu and Tiamat having determined todestroy the light and restore the primeval darkness, a struggle ensues. )
Anshar opened his mouth and said to Gaga his minister, "Go, Gaga, minister, that rejoicest my spirit, to Luchmu and Lachamu I send thee. Assemble all the gods, seat them at the table to partake of a feast. Let them eat bread and mix wine. Go Gaga, and stand before them then and all that I tell thee, repeat to them, saying: Anshar your son has sent me, his heart's command he entrusted to me saying: "Tiamat our mother, has turned against us in hatred. With all her might she rages in anger. All the gods have turned to her, even those you created go to her aid. They are banded together and at the side of Tiamat they advance. Cursing the light they follow Tiamat. Furious, without resting by day or by night they prepare for the fray, fuming and raging, they band themselves together and begin the revolt. Tiamat, the mother of the deep, who bore us all, has added invincible weapons, spawning monster serpents, sharp of tooth, unsparing of fang. For blood she filled their bodies with poison. Fierce monster-vipers she clothed with terror, endowed with awful splendor and made.....
She clothed fierce monster vipers with terror, endowed them with dread and splendor, and made great of stature, that their appearance might frighten and fill with horror. Their bodies are immense, their attack irresistible. She made a viper, a dragon, and the lachamu, a storm giant, a mad dog, a scorpion-man, fierce storms, a fish-man, and a ram; all provided with weapons, merciless, fearless of fight, defiant among the gods the sons she had born and made Kingu greatest among them all, saying:
"Thou art sent to march at the head of the forces, to order the weapons to strike, the attack to begin." She entrusted to him the first place in war and in victory. She seated him on a throne and said: 'I have recited thy spell, in the assembly of the gods. I have raised these to power, I have given thee the sway over all the the gods. Be thou great, my spouse, thy name be magnified in all the world.' She gave him the tablets of destiny and laid them on his breast saying: 'May thy command not be annulled, established be the word of thy mouth' Kingu, thus exalted and having obtained power over the gods, commanded: "Let your word overcome the fire god. Whoever is great in valor, let him display his might." I sent Anu but he feared to face her. Nudimmud was afraid and turned back. I have called on Marduk, adviser of the gods. He has determined to go against Tiamat. He spoke to me aned said, "If I, your avenger, conquer Tiamat and give you life, assemble the gods and declare my control of the gods to be supreme. Enter joyfully into the palace and my rule shall take the place of thine. Let whatever I do be unaltered. The word of my mouth not be changed or annulled." Hasten and give him the rule that he may go and fight your enemy."
When Luchmu and Lachamu heard this, they feared and all the gods wailed grievously, saying: "What has happened that they hate us? We do not understand the conduct of Tiamat." Then they came together, all the gods and went into the great hall before Anshar. They took courage and sat down to the banquet.; they ate bread and mixed wine. The sweet drink, the mead, overcame their senses, they became drunk, their bodies were filled with wine. They lost their reason, their spirits rose and they gave the rule to Marduk their avenger.
And they (the gods) put him (Marduk) in a royal palace; Under the protection of his father he dwelt (lived) in (his) kingdom.
Yea, thou art glorious among the great gods.
Thy work is unequaled, thy command is (the command of ) Anu.
From today thy command shall be unalterable.
To exalt and to humble be in they power.
Verily, thy word be firm, be thy command not resisted.
None among the gods has surpassed they power,
(Though with) decorations be filled the shrine of the(se) gods.
The place of their gathering may it now be established in thy place, (where they will say unto thee):
"Oh Marduk, thou art, indeed, he who has become our avenger (against Tiamat) ;
We have given thee the kingdom, the rule of the whole universe." When thou art in the assembly (of the gods), may thy will prevail against all.
Thy weapons may never be broken, may thy enemies tremble.
O Lord, spare thou the life of him that trusteth in thee.
The the god that is wedded to evil, pour out his life's blood.
(His) word (command ) they set up their midst as unique (i.e., all-important)
Unto Marduk, their first-born, they spake:
Thy work, O Lord, be greater than that of the (other) gods;
To destroy and to create, speak and it shall be done.
Open thy mouth, and his (perhaps the last god's ) word shall vanish away (i.e. be made ineffective)
Speak again to him and his word shall be restored.
He (Marduk) spake, and in his mouth (i.e., that of the god which does evil negative things) was destroyed, his (power of ) speech.
Again he spake unto him and his speech was restored unto him.
When the gods, his fathers, saw the effect of his (Marduk's ) word, they rejoiced greeting him saying: Marduk indeed be our king!"
They invested him with the scepter, the throne, and the reign; A weapon unsurpassed they gave him, consuming the enemy. "Go now (they said unto him) and cut asunder the life thread of Tiamat;
May the winds carry her blood to secret places far away
The gods, his fathers fixed the fate of the lord (Marduk).
They led him along the road to safety and success.
A bow he made himself and took it for his weapon,
The falchion he swung that he had made of (the wood) of the terebinth.
The god took up the weapon, seized it with his right hand, the bow and the quiver at his side he hung;
A lightning he caused to go before him.
With destructive and fierce wrath he filled his bowels.
A net he made to enclose Kirbish-Tiamat.
The four winds he seized, so that she could by no nmeans escape, the wind from the south and the north, the east and the west.
Then he brought to her Tiamat's side the net, the present of his father Anu.
He created the destructive wind, the evil wind, the storm and the hurricane;
The four winds, the seven winds, the whirlwind, the wind whose equal does not exist.
He caused the winds, he had created, to issue forth, even the seven of them,
To work the destruction of Kirbish-Tiamat, to storm behind her;
And the lord raised his mighty weapon, the hurricane.
The chariot, something unequaled, the terrible, he mounted;
He harnessed it and hung the four reins over the side of the chariot. With his free hands he used the weapon, the relentless, the overwhelming, the swift, to fight those whose fangs contain poison, the hosts of Tiamat....terrible was the battle.
He took his way and caused Tiamat pursuit'
To place of Tiamat he turned to face
With her lips she cried aloud
When fright overwhelmed her she seized his fist.
In that day they beheld him, the gods beheld him; The gods, his fathers, beheld him, the gods beheld him.
The lord approached for the fight, Tiamat he saw.
Of Kingu, her husband, he sought his overthrow.
When he (Kingu) beheld him, his reason became disturbed,
his mind distracted, his actions confused.
And the the gods, his helpers, walking at his side,
saw how the first born bore their yoke exposing himself to danger for their sake.
Observing that Tiamat did not direct toward him to fight
But with her lips cried out great evils saying'
'Around thee, O lord of the gods cometh her host
their throng they gather, where thou art.'
But the lord lifted up the hurricane, his mighty weapon,
against Kirbish-Tiamat, on whom he takes vengeance he hurled it, saying:
'As though didst excite rebellion on high,
Now gather courage and give resistance.
As thou didst direct evil against my fathers, therefore may be tied down thy army and the weapons may they be bound rendered harmless.
Stand and I and thou will fight together!
But Tiamat upon hearing this,
considered herself defeated and lost her balance of mind.
She roared wildly and loud;
Completely her inside burst into two parts.
Magic words she spake and applied her incantation.
They then made their weapons appeal to the gods of battle.
They approached each other, Tiamat and the leader of the gods, Marduk.
To the fight they approached against one another, they approached the battle.
But the lord spread out his net to enclose her;
An evil wind, to seize her from behind, he loose before him;
Then opened her mouth Tiamat to crush it, the evil wind.
But he (Marduk) caused the evil wind to enter her mouth that she could not close it to shut her lips.
The strong winds filled her stomach,
So that here heart sank with her courage lost ; wide opened he her mouth, he grasped his falchion and pierced her stomach splitting it opened.
Her entrails he tore out, cut out her heart.
He grasped her and destroyed her life.
Her corpse he threw down, upon it he placed himself.
After Tiamat, the leader had been killed,
Her host was broken up, her throng was scattered,
and the gods her helpers, going at her side,
trembled feared, retreated backward.
He (Marduk) let them escape and spared their life;
With a cordon they were surrounded which no one can escape;
He enclosed them and their weapons he broke.
They were placed like birds in a net; they sat down in utter prostration.
And the world they filled with their wailing. They bore his punishment they were kept in bondage, and the eleven creatures were filled with fear.
He put their hands in bonds
and their opposition beneath himself he trod.
And Kingu who against Marduk had been their [leader]?
He took away from him the tablets of fate.
With the seal he doomed him and sealed him, his breast he seized.
After he had bound his enemy, and he crushed the proud foe completely,
He fully established the superiority of AN-SAR over the enemy.
Marduk, the mighty, had thus accomplished the intention of god Ea.
Over the gods in bondage he strengthened the guard.
Toward Tiamat, then whom he had overcome, he turned back,
And the lord trampled on the lower part of Tiamat's body.
With this unmerciful club he smote her,
he cut through the veins of her blood:
The wind, even the wind of the north, he caused it to carry to secret places far away.
He saw it, his face rejoiced, he gloried.
A present, a peace offering he caused to be brought to him.
Then the lord quieted down, seeing her (Tiamat's) corpse.
The foul, rotten flesh he tore away, and he performed wonderful deeds.
He tored from her like of a fish her skin in it's two halves.
Half of her he stood up, and made it the heavenly dome.
He pushed in front of it a bolt; he stationed a guard;
commanding him not to let the waters pour out freely.
He connected the heaven with the lower regions,
And he placed it opposite to the primeval sea, the dwelling of god Ea.
Then the lord measured off the circui of the primeval sea.
A palace he built like that in heaven called E-shar-ra
The palace E-shar-ra which he had built as a heavenly dome.
Anum, Bel, and Ea he caused to inhabit it as their habitation.
He (Marduk) established the mansions of the great gods.
The stars correponding to them, he fixed, and the annual constellations.
He determined the length of the year, its limits he defined.
For each of the twelve months three stars he fixed,
from the time when the year opens in fixed limits,
he founded the mansion of Jupiter, to mark their bounds.
That none of the days may deviate, nor found to be lacking
The mansion of Bel and Ea at the north and south poles he established with him (Jupiter?)
He opened gates at both sides,
and forced open the bolts on the left and on the right
In the very midst he made the morning firmament have a zenith
He made the moon-god (Nannaru) brilliant, and intrusted the night to him.
He defined him as a night-body, to mark of the days saying:
"Monthly without ceasing define the time with the disc;
In the beginning of the month light up in the evening.
That the horns shine to mark the heavens.
On the seventh day make half the royal cap showing half the disc
On the fourteenth mayest thou mark the half of the month
Monday, January 30, 2012
How To Heal Yourself
The first rule of healing is to know that everything is light, even you!
The second thing to realize is this: Approximately one in ten that read this information will be telekinetic in nature. The remaining majority are telepathic. On rare occasions one will occur among the populace that becomes known as a great visionary and healer and these individuals are those that possesses both of these traits! This can be in equal or sometimes varying degrees. To be most effective it is necessary to know which you happen to be gifted with and be able to focus on that ability to begin to get in touch with it. Then through discipline and practice you polish your gift by learning to use muscles you have not yet used before, but muscles that are very real I assure you.
For those that have noted objects moving or other such strange vibration occurrences or flashes of light or sound or other physical manifestations in your presence during your time here in this experience you now know which gift you possess.
For those that see images clearly, and that can project awareness now to anywhere or anytime most easiest you are aware of your nature now. If you have both of these gifts and have exercised these muscles consider yourself one of few.
In the future many more will be able to find that they have ample of both of these gifts available to them and in time it will once more be common place for men to heal and help themselves. God helps those that help themselves so let us begin.
By the same token you can affect that frequency, that negative stress or persistent anxiety energy with your energy.
If you yourself vibrate love, and healing, compassion and gratitude your tears will reflect that in your being.
Since most all people are 70% to 80% water just a single tear absorbed into the body of someone sick can literally transform their water crystal to that of yours to overwhelm them with all those feelings, chills, and remarkable instant healing and well being. You don't even have to tell them that you just wiped a tear before shaking their hand. Their body will know.
Then heal others with your light by helping them to find that same energy you carry. You do this by infusing the areas of interest or focus with a new frequency and a new healthier energy and thus you disrupt it!
Environment is a key element in healing. For many, leaving their current environment is not possible so at times it is necessary to change the environment in ways that improve quality of life.
The reflection of the environment most frequented by the person in question most always reflects the inner person and also the areas that need healing..
Changing the environment can be done easily and simply by removing or rearranging existing furnishing, change of color scheme and carpet or rug choices and so on.
All of these factors play into the response of the psyche which then chain reacts through the body. It is also important to get the body involved in the healing.
Posturing, particularly dominant posturing, such as, hands on hips, chest pounds, hands over head victory dance and muscle postures all activate the mind to produce the hormones of youth.
What one finds is that indeed the body does cause the mind to react as much as the mind can cause the body to. This relationship goes both ways. Remember always that all is light. Matter is simply condensed light. Long story. Its hard to compress in a nut shell description but that's the basics of it short but sweet. Do what I say, what I teach. You will one day thank me. I pray with you that you may find health, beauty, balance and peace! Thank you for everything you have done to get right here where you are!
Gardening for healing:
Pay close attention. Grow your own food from seeds you start yourself. Have you ever seen an old farmer planting seeds that spit them into the ground? Did you ever wonder where this came from? Well, let me tell you how it came to be.
Start each plant by seeds that you intend to consume in the same way. This consumption does not matter if the produce is eaten, or used as a rub, or if you grow your own tobacco or other herbs to smoke. For anything you intend to take into your body grow them in this way and only this way from now on and you will be blessed with the most healing and beneficial food you have ever eaten or rubbed on you, or smelled or smoked.
Sit on the ground on the earth in your bare feet working with your plants if you can. Place the seeds in your mouth if you prefer just as the old farmers of yesteryear did and below your tongue for ten minutes or so. My grandfather and grandmother were quite proficient at spitting a seed right into a hole if they wanted to. But that is not the real reason we put the seeds in our mouth.
Then after the seeds have been there take them out spit and all and hold in your palm for 30 seconds or as my grandparents did put them in cups or jars closed but not tight. Just covered over to protect from spills.
Then open your palm not losing any seeds and let them get a bearing of the season and get some sun on the day in which they are being planted. The seeds are retaining this information of you, your specific needs and DNA, learning all about you, and getting star info. for time of year and it gets it's birth aligned with the stars and now with the spit and with no water added you place them in starter soil.
These plants once they each sprout are now tuned to you and in three days time whether one has popped up yet or not to show some green then you give them their first water. On occasion as they grow you can do as my grandmother also did and spit down in the root areas as these plants grow up. As grandchildren were born into the family she added their DNA without even knowing what DNA was and did this by allowing them to do this planting of their own seeds with their names on them and help in planting by handling the plant stems and young plants and so on.
This is how you program your garden and your trees and your personal creative space for your family and in return your plants in your garden are tuned to your bodies and their specific needs. The plants are smarter than you realize.
The second thing to realize is this: Approximately one in ten that read this information will be telekinetic in nature. The remaining majority are telepathic. On rare occasions one will occur among the populace that becomes known as a great visionary and healer and these individuals are those that possesses both of these traits! This can be in equal or sometimes varying degrees. To be most effective it is necessary to know which you happen to be gifted with and be able to focus on that ability to begin to get in touch with it. Then through discipline and practice you polish your gift by learning to use muscles you have not yet used before, but muscles that are very real I assure you.
For those that have noted objects moving or other such strange vibration occurrences or flashes of light or sound or other physical manifestations in your presence during your time here in this experience you now know which gift you possess.
For those that see images clearly, and that can project awareness now to anywhere or anytime most easiest you are aware of your nature now. If you have both of these gifts and have exercised these muscles consider yourself one of few.
In the future many more will be able to find that they have ample of both of these gifts available to them and in time it will once more be common place for men to heal and help themselves. God helps those that help themselves so let us begin.
Energy is real. Your life energy is real and the thought energy has real effects on your psyche which then has outward expressions also very real and manifested in your brain and body. As you burn calories you use up life energy. You replenish this life energy by recharging through the ingestion and digestion of other life. While this works for man and all the other animals on the planet, what you have not been told is that technically speaking, all life on this planet seen and unseen digests light.
This real energy, digested in the form of matter is reduced down to its bare essentials to feed the cells of your body and in the end the energy from this is indeed converted in a flash to light. Knowing this is in and of itself quite a powerful tool because this real awareness of light and the fact that all we eat is converted to light hits home when I tell you that you can also ingest and digest light through your eyes and optic nerves and your skin cells, and your aura energy field! Also kept from you all your life are your innate abilities to program plants to grow specific fruits and vegetables for just you and your family!
This secret is well known among holy men and shaman, medicine men and medicine women throughout the world. It is not that it has been kept secret really. I myself have shared my secrets to my own health to dozens of people I've met and have known but none listen or take it seriously. I can confess to them all the miracles I have seen in myself and it goes through one ear and out the other. You need not seek something exterior that you must bring into you to heal yourself. You need not expect or hope for a Guru to touch you and heal you. The tools to do all of this yourself are right in front of you. The intention of this paper is to walk you through how to do this. Anyone can do this.
Through this knowledge that all is light and self realization of events and experiences of thought and expectation which in turn form the anticipated reality as they can manifest real events and materials in daily life we create our own reality. In humans the mind can convince the body that images are even as real events causing the body to react from those strong visual images as if they are real. Such is the power of imagination. With great certainty I tell you the sun can heal you no matter your illness. Here is how. It replaces the light you have lost all your life. The sun is the quickest way to fill the holes you have managed to accumulate in your energy field all your life.
Worry patterns of thought over long periods of time will in fact make you ill because you damage yourself, you damage your light field with this worry. When you damage your light with these weakening thoughts you damage your shield literally putting holes in it. You recharge your field with the purest most direct form of light you can digest, that of the sun at sun rise and sun set!
Stop messing around and get up in the morning to watch the sun rise and do what I instruct you to do and you will live a much healthier and much longer life! Start right now to replenish the life energy you have lost in life with the sun and don't you dare shut this page down. I'm saving your life here! Just because I'm a shaman does not mean I can't be frank or speak in foul language! Get with the program!
Protecting your psyche daily by controlling reactions through adopting an 'observer' attitude rather than reactive attitude will be quite helpful to you in healing. Strong emotional reactions to extremes are unhealthy. Deflect yourself away from such occurrences. Therefore I suggest you adopt this pattern of behavior, seeing life as the play act that it is from the perspective of the soul not from the ego, or I. Walk the middle of the road for emotion and stay in the middle!
Remember your thoughts have power. Shut down any negative thoughts and change subject with images of green pastures, peaceful beaches and blue ocean swimming holes. Don't suppress, deter and redirect otherwise harmful energies. Deflect the energies and redirect to new uses of your choice.
Why do you think people that get diagnosed with cancer die so quickly after this news is given to them? Is it the cancer? Really?
Do you actually believe this? You know in your heart that what kills them is their own diagnosis shock from the news. Don't be a victim of your own thought patterns.
What made them sick before this was the conflict or shock or both to their system through the damage first in the psyche then in the body throwing them out of balance.
Heal the psyche, protect it daily and you will be the healthiest person you know. Do what I say with the sun which is following shortly and you will be even more equipped to deal with whatever woes come your way again in life. The mind is a very powerful tool and the way we use it can affect our health to a much greater depth than most realize!
Spend time meditating each day and use your powerful mind correctly learning to put it to work and like me you will not even be able to remember the last time you were ill at all. Pay attention to your breath and just sit. Just instruct your mind to watch your breath. When a thought strays away remind yourself, breath, watch the breath and just stay there. Drift is okay but come back to breath each time you catch yourself wandering. Be bare foot as much as possible on the bare earth.
People will say, oh but there are virus infections and bacteria and fungal infections that one can get and my response to this is yes indeed and when your light is strong, and your psyche is healthy these things stand no chance against your light and body defenses when you are properly charged full of light. Get calm. Prepare for balance, harmony and peace.
When you drag yourself down or allow yourself to be weakened and stressed by such thoughts this is akin to opening the garage door for these other events to make one sick. You literally draw it yourself. A healthy mind, body and spirit together does not know illness. Take time to build your shield back up each day. Just a momentary thought of be uplifted or simply thinking the thought "uplifting" is all it takes at times.
Einstein proved that all things largest to smallest are made up of atoms which are made up of energy and in fact are energy! All things seen and unseen are various stages of light and nothing more or less. Your thoughts actually arrange the photons of light and control them and we know this by science as fact now. Intention moves light photons and arranges them in patterns. Those various patterns are what has created all of what you see and experience here in this now! Your thoughts and will can affect light photons even in a vacuum! Science has proven this to be so!
Remember, these stresses and emotional traumas are as wave form patterns of energy with their own frequency.
Since all things are energy these energy frequencies can be affected and even interrupted or reprogrammed since you can re-arrange things with your will.
Sun gazing instructions:
So what we do is start one day to watch the sun rise and set. Take off your glasses to look at the sun! Pick a morning of your choice noting the day and time you start on a calendar. Go out in your bare feet when possible standing on the grass or dirt, the damper the better. If you cannot go bare foot because of colder mornings you can ask permission of a tree or nearby plant and use that to help you better ground to the earth. Ask permission though, as some plants do not particularly like having their personal space invaded. No I'm not kidding. They are alive too you know?
Next: Get the Weather Channel App. on your smart phone. Check it each morning and night. Use that to monitor the UV index or ultra violet index of the sun and when the UV index reads zero (0) you are free to begin.
This will go as follows. The first day and the very first time you stare at the sun seeing the face of God for the first time do so for just ten seconds.
One Mississippi, two Mississippi and so on. No more than ten seconds the first time. Then at sun set that same day add ten seconds. So at sun set its a 20 second stare and then stop. Each time you add ten seconds to the time in the face of the sun. During each session imagine as you stare that the light is going to the areas of your body that require it the most. You will feel better over time the more you do this and it becomes profound enough that you know when you can move on.
If your brain is where you need it imagine that the light from the sun comes into your eyes and swirls around your heart chakra, and that you store the light in your belly and it flows right from there to your affected area as it builds and builds and builds. Once you know you can move on to other parts of the body take the light there. Change the colors of it and direct it with your mind as you watch the sun.
Use that imagination and see this happen in your mind's eye best you can and after you are done counting looking at the sun sit comfortably somewhere and cover your eyes with both palms. Sit there and see that dot of light in your optic nerve inner eye and take that light now that is yours in your optic nerve and direct it right to the area of your body that you need it. If you don't have any areas of your body requiring help imagine you are swirling the light around and storing it in your solar plexus for later.
See that dot in your inner eye changing color and getting smaller as your body sucks it in. The next day do this, and the next and the next and by the time you are done with this exercise you will be a new person! A renewed person baptized truly in the light of our Lord! And I know what you think. Oh this is crap! Yeah right. Just do it and stop that thinking. I tell you it works. I was sicker than you. Just do it. Don't think.
The next day at sun up do it again, you add ten more seconds for 30 secs, and at sun set ten more for 40 seconds. Each day add more and in time when you stand there for minutes your body will begin telling you it notices. This has been reported so many times by so many people doing this it is not your imagination. This is real, and it is helping you like nothing you ever dreamed. Just keep doing it.
You keep doing this with the hands over the eyes directing the light exercise after each stare. After each session you direct that light with your will to where you want it! You can even direct that light to another and help them! Those of you that are telekinetic will be quite effective at generating healing energy and projecting it to others. Try doing it to yourself firs though.
This goes on over time. Then the next day that nature allows you to see the sun you add ten more seconds. You will come to crave each of these sessions. You will be upset when nature denies your stare also. These may not always be back to back days you get to look so cherish each viewing as it may not give you sun rise each day, you may get a sun rise and a sun set and then have to wait to pick up again at the next sun set the following day but that is fine.
Go with it the way nature allows. Add ten seconds to each time that you look and do this until you get up to fifteen minutes total time. Then once at this period for your remaining sessions you can take off your shoes as usual and begin looking at the sun through tree leaves using the leaves to refract out the light in an array of color. When you see the green tipped fringes you are doing it correctly.
Stare at the sun this way for whatever length of time feels comfortable while in your bare feet over the period of the next year catching the sun when it catches you. In other words there will times when you walk right into father sun and at this time you will know to kick off your shoes and stare as you are being contacted. Take theses gifts with great seriousness when they occur as this is the mother of all pearls here I hand to you! Using the tree leaves and communicating with Father Sun over the course of the time you do this you will rise above these illnesses as if they never existed and once more realize your own power.
Do these things and you will find that things return to normal in the body of those affected with disease or illness. Congestion of the chest and lungs will heal, skin ailments and circulation problems will heal, neurological issues will simply vanish like they were never there and your weight will return to that of what is optimum for your health with very little to no effort on your part!
Just do the discipline of digesting the light you so desperately need and that your body cries out for! Sometimes the effects are quite profound and followed by immediate release of great emotion. Do not be afraid to cry and take along some music to heighten the mood.
After doing the discipline of the sun staring morning and night and getting to know the sun for a season after this through the tree leaves from then on when you begin to feel down at anytime in the future simply take off your shoes and take a good stare at the sun for as long as it takes to notice that you are now better and renewed. This last part may read strange but once you do this routine you will know exactly what I mean.
This real energy, digested in the form of matter is reduced down to its bare essentials to feed the cells of your body and in the end the energy from this is indeed converted in a flash to light. Knowing this is in and of itself quite a powerful tool because this real awareness of light and the fact that all we eat is converted to light hits home when I tell you that you can also ingest and digest light through your eyes and optic nerves and your skin cells, and your aura energy field! Also kept from you all your life are your innate abilities to program plants to grow specific fruits and vegetables for just you and your family!
This secret is well known among holy men and shaman, medicine men and medicine women throughout the world. It is not that it has been kept secret really. I myself have shared my secrets to my own health to dozens of people I've met and have known but none listen or take it seriously. I can confess to them all the miracles I have seen in myself and it goes through one ear and out the other. You need not seek something exterior that you must bring into you to heal yourself. You need not expect or hope for a Guru to touch you and heal you. The tools to do all of this yourself are right in front of you. The intention of this paper is to walk you through how to do this. Anyone can do this.
Through this knowledge that all is light and self realization of events and experiences of thought and expectation which in turn form the anticipated reality as they can manifest real events and materials in daily life we create our own reality. In humans the mind can convince the body that images are even as real events causing the body to react from those strong visual images as if they are real. Such is the power of imagination. With great certainty I tell you the sun can heal you no matter your illness. Here is how. It replaces the light you have lost all your life. The sun is the quickest way to fill the holes you have managed to accumulate in your energy field all your life.
Worry patterns of thought over long periods of time will in fact make you ill because you damage yourself, you damage your light field with this worry. When you damage your light with these weakening thoughts you damage your shield literally putting holes in it. You recharge your field with the purest most direct form of light you can digest, that of the sun at sun rise and sun set!
Stop messing around and get up in the morning to watch the sun rise and do what I instruct you to do and you will live a much healthier and much longer life! Start right now to replenish the life energy you have lost in life with the sun and don't you dare shut this page down. I'm saving your life here! Just because I'm a shaman does not mean I can't be frank or speak in foul language! Get with the program!
Protecting your psyche daily by controlling reactions through adopting an 'observer' attitude rather than reactive attitude will be quite helpful to you in healing. Strong emotional reactions to extremes are unhealthy. Deflect yourself away from such occurrences. Therefore I suggest you adopt this pattern of behavior, seeing life as the play act that it is from the perspective of the soul not from the ego, or I. Walk the middle of the road for emotion and stay in the middle!
Remember your thoughts have power. Shut down any negative thoughts and change subject with images of green pastures, peaceful beaches and blue ocean swimming holes. Don't suppress, deter and redirect otherwise harmful energies. Deflect the energies and redirect to new uses of your choice.
Why do you think people that get diagnosed with cancer die so quickly after this news is given to them? Is it the cancer? Really?
Do you actually believe this? You know in your heart that what kills them is their own diagnosis shock from the news. Don't be a victim of your own thought patterns.
What made them sick before this was the conflict or shock or both to their system through the damage first in the psyche then in the body throwing them out of balance.
Heal the psyche, protect it daily and you will be the healthiest person you know. Do what I say with the sun which is following shortly and you will be even more equipped to deal with whatever woes come your way again in life. The mind is a very powerful tool and the way we use it can affect our health to a much greater depth than most realize!
Spend time meditating each day and use your powerful mind correctly learning to put it to work and like me you will not even be able to remember the last time you were ill at all. Pay attention to your breath and just sit. Just instruct your mind to watch your breath. When a thought strays away remind yourself, breath, watch the breath and just stay there. Drift is okay but come back to breath each time you catch yourself wandering. Be bare foot as much as possible on the bare earth.
People will say, oh but there are virus infections and bacteria and fungal infections that one can get and my response to this is yes indeed and when your light is strong, and your psyche is healthy these things stand no chance against your light and body defenses when you are properly charged full of light. Get calm. Prepare for balance, harmony and peace.
When you drag yourself down or allow yourself to be weakened and stressed by such thoughts this is akin to opening the garage door for these other events to make one sick. You literally draw it yourself. A healthy mind, body and spirit together does not know illness. Take time to build your shield back up each day. Just a momentary thought of be uplifted or simply thinking the thought "uplifting" is all it takes at times.
Einstein proved that all things largest to smallest are made up of atoms which are made up of energy and in fact are energy! All things seen and unseen are various stages of light and nothing more or less. Your thoughts actually arrange the photons of light and control them and we know this by science as fact now. Intention moves light photons and arranges them in patterns. Those various patterns are what has created all of what you see and experience here in this now! Your thoughts and will can affect light photons even in a vacuum! Science has proven this to be so!
Remember, these stresses and emotional traumas are as wave form patterns of energy with their own frequency.
Since all things are energy these energy frequencies can be affected and even interrupted or reprogrammed since you can re-arrange things with your will.
Sun gazing instructions:
So what we do is start one day to watch the sun rise and set. Take off your glasses to look at the sun! Pick a morning of your choice noting the day and time you start on a calendar. Go out in your bare feet when possible standing on the grass or dirt, the damper the better. If you cannot go bare foot because of colder mornings you can ask permission of a tree or nearby plant and use that to help you better ground to the earth. Ask permission though, as some plants do not particularly like having their personal space invaded. No I'm not kidding. They are alive too you know?
Next: Get the Weather Channel App. on your smart phone. Check it each morning and night. Use that to monitor the UV index or ultra violet index of the sun and when the UV index reads zero (0) you are free to begin.
This will go as follows. The first day and the very first time you stare at the sun seeing the face of God for the first time do so for just ten seconds.
One Mississippi, two Mississippi and so on. No more than ten seconds the first time. Then at sun set that same day add ten seconds. So at sun set its a 20 second stare and then stop. Each time you add ten seconds to the time in the face of the sun. During each session imagine as you stare that the light is going to the areas of your body that require it the most. You will feel better over time the more you do this and it becomes profound enough that you know when you can move on.
If your brain is where you need it imagine that the light from the sun comes into your eyes and swirls around your heart chakra, and that you store the light in your belly and it flows right from there to your affected area as it builds and builds and builds. Once you know you can move on to other parts of the body take the light there. Change the colors of it and direct it with your mind as you watch the sun.
Use that imagination and see this happen in your mind's eye best you can and after you are done counting looking at the sun sit comfortably somewhere and cover your eyes with both palms. Sit there and see that dot of light in your optic nerve inner eye and take that light now that is yours in your optic nerve and direct it right to the area of your body that you need it. If you don't have any areas of your body requiring help imagine you are swirling the light around and storing it in your solar plexus for later.
See that dot in your inner eye changing color and getting smaller as your body sucks it in. The next day do this, and the next and the next and by the time you are done with this exercise you will be a new person! A renewed person baptized truly in the light of our Lord! And I know what you think. Oh this is crap! Yeah right. Just do it and stop that thinking. I tell you it works. I was sicker than you. Just do it. Don't think.
The next day at sun up do it again, you add ten more seconds for 30 secs, and at sun set ten more for 40 seconds. Each day add more and in time when you stand there for minutes your body will begin telling you it notices. This has been reported so many times by so many people doing this it is not your imagination. This is real, and it is helping you like nothing you ever dreamed. Just keep doing it.
You keep doing this with the hands over the eyes directing the light exercise after each stare. After each session you direct that light with your will to where you want it! You can even direct that light to another and help them! Those of you that are telekinetic will be quite effective at generating healing energy and projecting it to others. Try doing it to yourself firs though.
This goes on over time. Then the next day that nature allows you to see the sun you add ten more seconds. You will come to crave each of these sessions. You will be upset when nature denies your stare also. These may not always be back to back days you get to look so cherish each viewing as it may not give you sun rise each day, you may get a sun rise and a sun set and then have to wait to pick up again at the next sun set the following day but that is fine.
Go with it the way nature allows. Add ten seconds to each time that you look and do this until you get up to fifteen minutes total time. Then once at this period for your remaining sessions you can take off your shoes as usual and begin looking at the sun through tree leaves using the leaves to refract out the light in an array of color. When you see the green tipped fringes you are doing it correctly.
Stare at the sun this way for whatever length of time feels comfortable while in your bare feet over the period of the next year catching the sun when it catches you. In other words there will times when you walk right into father sun and at this time you will know to kick off your shoes and stare as you are being contacted. Take theses gifts with great seriousness when they occur as this is the mother of all pearls here I hand to you! Using the tree leaves and communicating with Father Sun over the course of the time you do this you will rise above these illnesses as if they never existed and once more realize your own power.
Do these things and you will find that things return to normal in the body of those affected with disease or illness. Congestion of the chest and lungs will heal, skin ailments and circulation problems will heal, neurological issues will simply vanish like they were never there and your weight will return to that of what is optimum for your health with very little to no effort on your part!
Just do the discipline of digesting the light you so desperately need and that your body cries out for! Sometimes the effects are quite profound and followed by immediate release of great emotion. Do not be afraid to cry and take along some music to heighten the mood.
After doing the discipline of the sun staring morning and night and getting to know the sun for a season after this through the tree leaves from then on when you begin to feel down at anytime in the future simply take off your shoes and take a good stare at the sun for as long as it takes to notice that you are now better and renewed. This last part may read strange but once you do this routine you will know exactly what I mean.
Tuck that ego aside and don't bring that into this picture or let your mind talk you out of it with your wonderful education. Stop telling yourself it can't be, or that it is stupid and realize none of this could be without first having been thought about! Many people brighter than you have done this and been amazed! I was one such person! I was a skeptic's skeptic with an IQ of 167! No one was going to fool me! Least of all some guru charlatan! Well, I'm not fooling you either. Do this and tuck that worthless IQ aside. It works! That is all I know.
There is no room for ego in healing. Some brought these illnesses they suffer from here as part of what they mapped out for themselves as experiences needed. But I've seen hopeless cases get out of wheel chairs from following this discipline. You in the highest sense brought this illness to yourself to deal with it just this way. You can rid yourself of it the same way. Believe it or not! You asked to ride this bike, well, now it is time to pedal it!
Others will work with you and allow healing and re-balancing to take place when those negative frequencies disrupt your planned experiences. If it is in your path to rise above this you will indeed do so and do so with ease I assure you. Either way its not that you create this energy. Its already there. You just realize it and tap it and use it.
There is no room for ego in healing. Some brought these illnesses they suffer from here as part of what they mapped out for themselves as experiences needed. But I've seen hopeless cases get out of wheel chairs from following this discipline. You in the highest sense brought this illness to yourself to deal with it just this way. You can rid yourself of it the same way. Believe it or not! You asked to ride this bike, well, now it is time to pedal it!
Others will work with you and allow healing and re-balancing to take place when those negative frequencies disrupt your planned experiences. If it is in your path to rise above this you will indeed do so and do so with ease I assure you. Either way its not that you create this energy. Its already there. You just realize it and tap it and use it.
By recognizing that the energy you focus as a health frequency is real you must also realize that each stress, or anxiety has it's own frequency and each one it's own energy that is also very real.
Proof that this energy is real is in the fact these tensions and stresses make your body respond by being ill in one form or another. In the same way new thoughts of a higher purpose will make the body respond in a positive fashion.
In that proof lies the proof that by your new healthy energy being directed by your will to your body or to another person's body that they will respond the same way by becoming healthier responding to that energy just as your own body does.
This is about the control of your own vibration. Just the thought of uplifting your vibration does so. Listening to a uplifting song while doing so helps.
Tuning in to a uplifting energy such as that of the light of a youth just pure and full of life and catching that vibration by capturing that feeling with that image in your mind can indeed change not only your perspective but your frequency.
Once done, before you know it you are healthy because you can't help but be.
Proof that this energy is real is in the fact these tensions and stresses make your body respond by being ill in one form or another. In the same way new thoughts of a higher purpose will make the body respond in a positive fashion.
In that proof lies the proof that by your new healthy energy being directed by your will to your body or to another person's body that they will respond the same way by becoming healthier responding to that energy just as your own body does.
This is about the control of your own vibration. Just the thought of uplifting your vibration does so. Listening to a uplifting song while doing so helps.
Tuning in to a uplifting energy such as that of the light of a youth just pure and full of life and catching that vibration by capturing that feeling with that image in your mind can indeed change not only your perspective but your frequency.
Once done, before you know it you are healthy because you can't help but be.
The body is a delicate and plastic instrument that will readily respond to the thoughts impressed upon it. Always remember that the body will respond to strong visualization the same way it would if the event took place.
How else do you become sexually aroused in a dream if this is not so? What the mind harbors the body manifests. Even when you don't realize it your body is hearing you and responding to your new thought instructions. Trust in that and proceed.
Sometimes healing is more about helping one change thought patterns and routines, habits and general lack of vision or focus. But during a healing strong visual imagery by both parties is recommended.
Remember when healing and helping others should you go there that habits of thoughts produce their effects in the body.
To change the effect, change the habits and thought patterns, thus changing the frequency and vibration of not only your body but your mental processes. It could be as simple as getting a new routine and letting the old one die.
How else do you become sexually aroused in a dream if this is not so? What the mind harbors the body manifests. Even when you don't realize it your body is hearing you and responding to your new thought instructions. Trust in that and proceed.
Sometimes healing is more about helping one change thought patterns and routines, habits and general lack of vision or focus. But during a healing strong visual imagery by both parties is recommended.
Remember when healing and helping others should you go there that habits of thoughts produce their effects in the body.
To change the effect, change the habits and thought patterns, thus changing the frequency and vibration of not only your body but your mental processes. It could be as simple as getting a new routine and letting the old one die.
If you yourself vibrate love, and healing, compassion and gratitude your tears will reflect that in your being.
Since most all people are 70% to 80% water just a single tear absorbed into the body of someone sick can literally transform their water crystal to that of yours to overwhelm them with all those feelings, chills, and remarkable instant healing and well being. You don't even have to tell them that you just wiped a tear before shaking their hand. Their body will know.
Carrying this vibration in life does not just affect you and those closest to you you see? It radiates some sixty plus feet all around you and for those that work with the light this can be many times more than this. Infuse yourself with light and love.
Then heal others with your light by helping them to find that same energy you carry. You do this by infusing the areas of interest or focus with a new frequency and a new healthier energy and thus you disrupt it!
Environment is a key element in healing. For many, leaving their current environment is not possible so at times it is necessary to change the environment in ways that improve quality of life.
The reflection of the environment most frequented by the person in question most always reflects the inner person and also the areas that need healing..
These are not always self evident but must be discerned but the tells will be there. We are no different in our response to an environment than a cell in our body. Introduce a good cell to a dish of bad and that good cell will turn bad. Introduce a bad cell to a group of good and the bad will turn good to fit the environment it finds itself in.
When it is not possible to relocate to a healthier environment one must make that which they have access to work.
Changing the environment can be done easily and simply by removing or rearranging existing furnishing, change of color scheme and carpet or rug choices and so on.
All of these factors play into the response of the psyche which then chain reacts through the body. It is also important to get the body involved in the healing.
Posturing, particularly dominant posturing, such as, hands on hips, chest pounds, hands over head victory dance and muscle postures all activate the mind to produce the hormones of youth.
When the mind is not readily able to find these frequencies one uses the body to direct the mind.
What one finds is that indeed the body does cause the mind to react as much as the mind can cause the body to. This relationship goes both ways. Remember always that all is light. Matter is simply condensed light. Long story. Its hard to compress in a nut shell description but that's the basics of it short but sweet. Do what I say, what I teach. You will one day thank me. I pray with you that you may find health, beauty, balance and peace! Thank you for everything you have done to get right here where you are!
Gardening for healing:
Grow your own favorite plants that you consume yourself. If this is a plant you smoke, or enjoy eating and your family enjoys I want you to get to know your favorite plant like you never dreamed of knowing it before. Also, I want to allow your favorite plants to get to know you so intimately that they are actually tuned to just you and yours!
Pay close attention. Grow your own food from seeds you start yourself. Have you ever seen an old farmer planting seeds that spit them into the ground? Did you ever wonder where this came from? Well, let me tell you how it came to be.
Start each plant by seeds that you intend to consume in the same way. This consumption does not matter if the produce is eaten, or used as a rub, or if you grow your own tobacco or other herbs to smoke. For anything you intend to take into your body grow them in this way and only this way from now on and you will be blessed with the most healing and beneficial food you have ever eaten or rubbed on you, or smelled or smoked.
Sit on the ground on the earth in your bare feet working with your plants if you can. Place the seeds in your mouth if you prefer just as the old farmers of yesteryear did and below your tongue for ten minutes or so. My grandfather and grandmother were quite proficient at spitting a seed right into a hole if they wanted to. But that is not the real reason we put the seeds in our mouth.
If this is not something comfortable for you, you can do as my grandmother did and place your spitum in a cup and soak the seeds for that length of time in your fluids. Use a glass cup or a clay of the earth pottery mug. Paper has DNA in it don't add that to the seed programming. You are programming the seeds with information on top of the extreme amount of information the seed already contains you see? When you put the seeds in your mouth they are reading all your information as you let them soak. When they get that in their mix as they grow they will specifically engineer food best for your body chemistry and needs you see?
Then after the seeds have been there take them out spit and all and hold in your palm for 30 seconds or as my grandparents did put them in cups or jars closed but not tight. Just covered over to protect from spills.
Then open your palm not losing any seeds and let them get a bearing of the season and get some sun on the day in which they are being planted. The seeds are retaining this information of you, your specific needs and DNA, learning all about you, and getting star info. for time of year and it gets it's birth aligned with the stars and now with the spit and with no water added you place them in starter soil.
These plants once they each sprout are now tuned to you and in three days time whether one has popped up yet or not to show some green then you give them their first water. On occasion as they grow you can do as my grandmother also did and spit down in the root areas as these plants grow up. As grandchildren were born into the family she added their DNA without even knowing what DNA was and did this by allowing them to do this planting of their own seeds with their names on them and help in planting by handling the plant stems and young plants and so on.
This is how you program your garden and your trees and your personal creative space for your family and in return your plants in your garden are tuned to your bodies and their specific needs. The plants are smarter than you realize.
Add yourself to the mix of what you do consume in the way of plants and do this with my speedy tips using the sun to get healthy faster and once you do these things stretch out those fingers, get intimate with the plants you know and become one with the earth, one with the plants and animals and realize you are all of it and it is all of you a reflection mirrored and reciprocated in love. May your garden be one of love. Heal and be well!
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