Monday, April 3, 2017

The Hominid Long Head Cultures Of Yesteryear

Published for education purposes
please note there are no pictures posted. Just the article.

To the topic.  Below are mounds that were invaded by men illegally in an area near Channahon, Illinois. right at the junction of the DesPlaines and the Kankakee rivers. In the 30's this was known as the "Fisher" site that once had upwards of nine regular looking mounds and fifty very interesting conical mounds sitting right beside of conical shaped pits once used as camp circles by those living there. 

As has happened many times through Illinois history constant yearly plowing eventually destroyed all the village sites of this dig and others and this has done much to also destroy the history of the people and culture of the early occupation.  These sites consisted of mounds that were ranging from that of larger 60 foot diameter mounds to some 30 foot diameter and three feet in depth.  These are the ones a farmer decided to sell some of the dirt from to locals for fill that first alerted scholars to the fact there was significant finds there. These were later excavated by professionals after bones were uncovered by one of the farmers and the contents were then removed as shown below. This is a very old dig and the pictures are through a stained old glass so excuse the lack of detail and quality here at first. There were fines involved in these illegal activities by the farmers doing this. 

For what it is worth, there is also a equally baffling history of mounds discovered along the Apple River near Hanover, Il. Many many bones have been discovered there by locals throughout the area, as if they are pieces of bodies which is ironic considering the amount of excavation there. Here is where there used to be a series of fifty five small mounds culminated in three larger mounds. Seven of the smaller ones were excavated quite well without finding even so much as a single burial or any articles made by man. In another mound of a larger size and more circular shape refuse was found and this was of great interest because it confirmed contact with the peoples of the south and their cultures! 

The largest mound also had evidence of a flat top here and it obviously had a structure that was decomposed and gone but it appeared that several structures had perished from that platform over several cultures as we dug down. It is thought that bodies of the dead were placed here and that carrion eaters are perhaps the reason for various bones and pieces of bodies found in the surrounding area. Nearly every year during plow season more of these turned up. However, due to the lack of reporting of these finds when made, as they are quite common even today, nothing was or has ever really used to make discovery of these peoples.  All of these mounds from Chicago, Il. to Clinton, Iowa have offered up little in the way of materials to know the people that lived there so these digs with these long heads from the Fisher site are so very important due to how much they tell us. So much has been lost because of the plow and human development. 

What do they tell us? They tell us a long head culture lived here first and that a primary mound was built after the first burials of royals of a long skull people. The burial we found was royal and every head that of a long head culture we do not see on the earth today. The two largest mounds are the most important here because they tell us that the site underwent periods of building. Evidence of three to six stages of development are evident in places in Illinois.  

The history goes as follows: A primary mound is built and bodies are buried there. Not always with utensils. It appeared that the bodies were buried after having been stripped of most of the flesh perhaps using the platform on the flat top mound for carrion birds to semi strip the body of its parts. It is interesting that some of the bodies were missing parts also. 

In other cases characteristic utensils were buried with the people. For years the mound sat undisturbed and allowed grass and weeds to grow up on it which built up humus layers on top. Then other cultures of Indians came in and heaped more dirt on the mound and buried more of their dead there and as this repeated through time we have the layers of humus from culture gap to culture gap and utensils of bone, and such on the way down as described below. 

When during excavation the mound was sliced down the ancient humus layers appeared like strata separating the different burial levels.  Near the surface were intrusive burials of round headed Indians and evidence of culture and material difference and associated with them were many objects of European manufacture-beads, iron, brass and silver- as well as typical Indian utensils of bone.  Proceeding down deeper into the mound European objects vanished and each additional level presented either the known characteristic methods of burial, or distinctive pottery or other utensils. 

In general, the people of the lower levels, what we called the 'first peoples' had longer heads than those above.  In the lowest level-really below the surface of the mound- only long heads were found and utensils were lacking. So we have then cultural stratification made evident by the first humus or dark line layers, then by distinctive material cultures, method of burial, and physical type differences shown as we went downward. 

The campsite appears to be composed of these pits as shown but no house pole evidence was discovered, although fire places and storage pits have been found.  There is also evidence of an occasional burial beneath the camps themselves probably the result of harder winters when the ground was frozen we suspect.  Mussel shells, corn remains and broken pottery shards as well as some other various animal bones have also been uncovered.  By using the different levels in the mounds to others and comparing site material from each layer a reasonable age guesstimate has been established. Further by comparing it to other finds similar to this in Joliet and Oakwoods and perhaps even Adler we can get even further dating age perspective. 

In short these cultural differences are significant in that we also see evidence in this dig of an apparent change in the head shape from the lowest levels compared to the upper level round head shapes as we see today in mankind. These lower level long heads date back to a considerable antiquity! We believe these long heads to be hybrids of Clovis people and Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Before excavation of each site a test core or pit is is sunk into the surrounding undisturbed soil. This to better judge and learn the character of the soil itself first through the use of the core. 

What these long head skulls hide is amazing in that it has remained hidden in plain sight for so long. It appears to some researchers that Solutrean/Clovis first original dwellers of this land were long heads. These long heads were not building structures and there is no evidence of domestic animals or the use of crops other than the ones that grew wild at the time but we found pits which perhaps were covered over with grasses that have long perished. The long head diet appears to be that of mostly fish products and mussels. Bulbs were found in one dig stuffed in a pottery jar and these were believed to be that of some sort of potato bulbs but upon further inspection we discovered these were actually the bulbs of the cat tail plant which we believe was used for perhaps some form of fish batter or potato like starchy meal by these early peoples. 

Excavations earlier by the Dickson Bros. and others after them established firmly the presence of the Hopewell culture of Ohio in what is today Chicago, Il. The University of Chicago proved conclusively by pottery that it was characteristic of the Hopewell. The Dickson mound is the most important find in the United States history. It was first dug into in 1927 by a farmer and to date over 250 skeletons have been found there as well as arrows, pipes, axes, and more all forming the largest collection of Neolithic or "Stone Age man works in the world. Further, excavations at Liverpool firmly conclude that the Hopewell people were brachycephalic round heads! 

This is unlike the earlier finds of long heads that are found deeper which appear dolochocephalic. It was here beneath the largest mound of the Hopewell type in Liverpool that there was a thick strata of blackened sand. In turn this overlies gravels dated to the last late glacial epoch! These long head peoples lived at the border of the end of the last ice age. We know this because it was in the black sands and beneath the mounds where we discovered the remains of ten individuals with heads markedly longer than any found in other mounds throughout the region.  

These were obvious royal burials having red ochre in the burials! The soil indicates a gap of some 2000 years from the time these long heads were all buried to the time the next Hopewell culture came in to overlie them and occupy the same land. No pottery was found with these skeletons however some extraordinary bead work and scanty stone work but difficult to imagine duplicating was also found. Some of the flint knapping people at the Chicago Museum informed us later that although these tools appeared primitive to see them at first, they were more difficult to duplicate than the ones made by the round skull peoples. 

Here is where it gets tricky. These long heads exhibit traits of having both human and something else into their gene pool. Note: This is our team here speaking not the museum. This is to say they appear to meet all the requirements to be a hybrid species. The long heads of these people was not the result of head binding. No such equipment or apparatus has been found. In the case here of these people some two thousand years goes by between these last 'long heads' and the round headed people that lived there in the early settler years of this country.  

The very young infants of this people also have larger than normal and longer than normal heads with cranial capacity equal to or slightly in excess of that of a full grown adult human.  The infant in the dig had teeth with nearly formed roots and other teeth still erupting when it died. There was still reddish hair on the head and brain matter in the skull also. It was placed in the middle with all the adult peoples turned to face inward to the baby. 

Further speculation: At some point in the past we know that modern man was mutated by a mating or event that changed a segment of mankind. Now we have proof of another species of long head with red hair having been found in the United States in the biggest site in Illinois. This red hair is interesting in that this is a mutation which occurred in humans and is the one that we know caused albinism when it occurred. Others today refer to being white as 'melanin deficiency' which in it's true sense is fact. No one knows exactly how this happened.  No one knows where or how red hair or RH negative blood types came to be!  Our findings of these obvious hybrid long skull peoples may be the key to solving this puzzle however. 

 We also feel that certain now that scholars have known of this hybridized mixing of these long skulls with other early round skull peoples for some time and that this fact has been purposely left out of the public view and teachings by others in secret meetings deciding to conceal it from our history! 

I personally believe that the Solutrean and Clovis people were one and the same people, much like the Iroquois and Berber people in a later time being one and the same and we know them as lighter skinned peoples than the other native American Indians also and that all these peoples are related to each other through time by these hybridized mixing of species.   

These long skull peoples were great sailors based on the ocean shell fish debris found in their tombs at the levels they were buried and as far north as modern day Wisconsin USA which refuse contains goods from the Gulf of Mexico. These skulls were so well preserved in a peat like soil well below the original ground level that they still had brain matter in them! While not much else was found with these peoples we can confirm they ate mostly fish products and apparently lived on the rivers and nearby streams and coastlines. This means they were sailing up and down the Mississippi river all the way to the ocean trading with the southern peoples as findings in our digs prove! 

So, it is my educated guess that also due to the fact these long heads had red hair and that these long heads are known now  to be of European descent by study of their DNA and have also been found in Peru and Paracus as well as Russia, and China and all wearing what appears to be very Gaelic looking garments, and since the Polynesian islands have a history of sailing the seas, and due to the fact these people were six feet tall or taller (considerably taller than the other round headed natives found later of other cultures) and red heads, it is likely modern man has some of their genes! It is just that we have not been able to prove it yet.  Or have we? Do we know where we got our red hair and some just don't want to tell us? 

I think until a group of people which we would categorize as Homo Sapiens Sapiens met and mated with some of these original long headed peoples with red hair in the past, that this mutation did not exist in mankind! I  believe this occurred after a cataclysm and that this cataclysm forced this meeting and this mutation did not exist in mankind yet until these two species met and mated with each other as reported by legends of surviving peoples. This hint of outside interference,  and a cataclysm or flood myth and that fact all people on earth that were Homo Sapiens Sapiens were dark skinned and brown eyed or black eyed individuals with the exception of this long head species, and the fact this long head species exhibits red hair when they are found! Well, it at the least stops you in your tracks to give one pause. 

I assert this as my belief only and have no proof at this time but one day something happened in one particular place on the globe, with one particular tribe of people and I believe it was a chance meeting of two hominids that in better times were not even associating with each other in this way! This was said to be after a great cataclysm by some surviving cultures. After this meeting of this mystery person with Homo Sapiens Sapiens, or after this mystery event took place that caused this mutation in human beings there were people being born with melanin deficiency and red and blond hair, blue eyes and green eyes and gray eyes in just one place on the globe and this the spread out around the planet as we see it today.  The most extreme case of this is red hair and freckles or 'Ginger' as we call them today. 

The fact is this haplogroup, which is my haplogroup is the R1 haplogroup that has a mutation that occurred somewhere in the Caucasus Mts. near modern day Turkey. Most all people with red hair/blue eye genes got it from this haplogroup!  For whatever reason this group has the majority of the genes responsible for causing red hair, blue eyes and so on in all of mankind when it split off to divide itself.  At least that is the current theory. 

We are relatively certain that this same female, and other factors related to this same mutation also stem to this event in human history. It is hotly debated at this time as to what occurred to cause this female to mutate her offspring to be melanin deficient. It is not known if this women herself had the mutation of if she just one day gave a normal birth to a child with no pigment? At this time we don't know for sure how this happened in mankind. Blue eyes, green eyes, red hair, freckles, and it appears, at least by some studies that RH negative blood type are all related to this same mutation and may have occurred at or around the same time to the same female. 

Make no mistake, no matter the time line for these changes in mankind, we all agree these changes took place in mankind including a 'big brain event' in man, and all of these changes are considered by everyone involved to be mutations. We know for a fact that at one time all mankind was RH positive blood type! Something changed a few and most of them have these other mutations also. That being, once more, red hair and blue or green eyes, blond hair, fair skin, freckles and so on. Those living along side these mutated peoples did not change with them. The question is why? If it was an electromagnetic event as some propose, then why did it only change one haplogroup and not the others living beside of it in the same area of the world!?

My team and myself believe this mutation occurred by a normal dark skinned human woman mating with a man of this long head species, which we discovered that has red hair and fair skin with blue eyes and this being had RH negative blood type and ruddy complexion. The red hand logo on many family crests are also a reminder to tell you this is something royals are well aware of having occurred in their family line, it's the reason they consider themselves above the rest and have a right to rule over you and the reason 13 families once existed that are said to be the ruling oldest families on earth!  Lesser variants are blond hair and green eyes or blond or sandy hair and gray eyes with RH positive blood but most of these people will be RH negative recessive, meaning one or more of their children will have RH negative blood type. 

Genghis Khan means 'Gray Eyes' and he was in fact a lesser variant of this same mutation. His father was an R1 haplogroup (more on that later) This R1B haplogroup as it turns out, at least in humans has the majority of the red hair on the planet and this group branched off from the main taking with it most of these genes. Most of it seen in other places mixed in other groups of humans can be traced back to this R1B group as the original mutated branch that was R1A like everyone else but something changed it. Others believe something in the environment changed these people to R1B but no one knows why it just changed this haplogroup and only this haplogroup and not the others that lived along side it at the time in the same geographic area so this theory gets shot down pretty quickly as I said earlier. 

This haplgroup of mutant R1B survivors, real life "X-Men" if you will,  with severe albinism found that they were more comfortable in cold or higher elevations. We believe now that there were mixed opinions among the dark tribes where these albino people were born. How they felt about this when it occurred varied from place to place. It is said in one film by Gabi Plumm and also mentioned in books in that film by some researchers that a King from long ago saw this beautiful albino woman in one of his villages. This woman was a white woman with glowing skin and she walked by him when he was out in his Kingdom one day. The King stood their stunned and thought she was something of angelic beauty! This is the Cousins across the sea video by Gabi Plumm. Watch that film. 

This wonderful light being woman the King saw would not leave his mind! The golden locks, the glowing skin and complexion all attracted this king greatly as did her sparkling blue eyes! So the King got to know her and in time he took her for his wife! So when it was announced that this dark skinned  King saw this albino women as beautiful others soon agreed. The King married her and had children with her taking this woman for his wife and those children, which were heirs to the throne, one of which eventually took the throne with this women as his mother, are the reason royalty and white skin have been together so long. This event brought the white genes into royalty at an early time in history! It is believed to be why white haplogroups and stories of tall ruddy complected men with beards exist as leaders in all corners of the world.  

It is thought by some that the albino or melanin deficiency mutation was adopted by royalty almost as soon as it showed up in human kind, and as something beautiful and because of this dark skinned King, and perhaps others reacting the same way in other parts of the world and even Queens as all people were dark in those times and as it caught on it waved around the planet. I have noted in my life time that many dark skinned men I have known have found lighter skinned blond white woman to be irresistible! This is so even today! 

Elites and priests and rulers sought lighter skinned spouses for these mutations that caused this melanin deficiency or albinism! When we stop to study why they sought this mutation so intently we found out some interesting things about the old world religions. Why they did this is interesting as it was passed on in Kingly lines from then on where the whites were accepted.  Again, this mutation of melanin deficiency is thought to have occurred in the Caucasus Mts by most researchers today, and this "EVE" if you will, to have been the sole women responsible for all blue eyes on planet earth and probably all red hair genes as well.  In much the same way in other cultures women that believed dwarf's were magic would fantasize about marrying a dwarf to have blessed magic children. 

In those times it is reported that the people saw these white skinned people as those having more 'soul'! Quite simply they thought this meant these people were blessed with more light in their being, in their presence! This 'light' is what the masses of people and Kingly lines sought for themselves and it was greatly desired so darker tribes began to seek this light for their own families after this King started it. Soon other royal families learned to adopt a policy of trying to incorporate more light into their families so it was then thought that because these lighter people contained more soul and more beauty they would be fitting wives for royalty and that if they brought that into their families that surely their families would be blessed with such life! In those times as these so called, 'men of reknown'  grew lighter of skin  and traveled it was therefore not uncommon for women to be given to them as brides everywhere they went! Dark women would give their daughters to these 'gods' in the hope that they would bless their family with this light of their being you see? 

Dark skinned Kings and high ranking military men from one tribe to another soon had at least one blond albino wife and children from them which soon led to these tall bearded men with so little of the original dark skinned King showing in their lines that it became hard to recall that at one time all were dark and looked the same. 

Because these royals of the time lived and ruled by a 'ring system' they left tells of their once proud locations. This blond hair has shown up on every continent at the exact geographic center of each land mass. The people that lived in the inner ring were the royal clan only. None of the outer ring tribes were within the inner ring. During this time the tribes if by sea would go out 250 miles and make a ring of that diameter. They would then go down another 250 miles and map after sailing another ring land as they called them. As the circumference increased on the earth they at times left two sons to rule at various spaced out locations along the ring. In those closer to the poles they were ruled by one king. The inner ring people were blond and red haired, blue and green eyed people. There were no gray eyes in the inner ring tribes. These were the second ring tribes. Which were less pure than the inner ring peoples but contained the same genes and could produce blue or green eyed children. 

On land they mapped out rings also, and ruled in smaller circumference areas of 60 miles with second ring lands mapped at 120 miles out approx. and third ring landers were 180 and so on. These tribes all paid up to the center ring or inner ring peoples in a tribute system where the inner ring land king issued new money each year. At the end of that year the money printed was no longer any good and no one would take it in the lands so they were sent back up to the inner ring to be recycled for future coins. In the mean time new coin was printed and issued in enough abundance to sustain for another year and then it was also outdated. This way no one could be wealthier than another.

In the USA the Mandan Indians at the center of the land mass were the survivors of the once ruling inner ring people of this land. In China we have the Red Beard People the one rulers of the inner ring lands there on that continent. In Australia we have the Aboriginal peoples born with blond hair showing up at the central area of the continent also and although dark skin is seen quite often so is blond hair. This tribe is among the oldest of the remaining ancient DNA found on earth. In Africa relatives to these people lived and this is the case also and in Africa these people when born are in great danger at this time in history because they contain the genes to produce red hair, blue eyes, blond hair and so on! It was not always this way. And so from here some took to this culture as royalty and something of great beauty and to be desired and cherished. 

In other cultures in other places these were looked at as a bad thing to have white skin but in yet others it was also thought by some Shaman and Medicine Women that if these peoples had more 'soul' that they would make far better and far more important sacrifices to god to plea for a healing of another they cared for more and when these whites were born they killed them and red people which were killed, and even eaten by some tribes as a ritual as Gabi Plumm covers in her wonderful videos on youtube about the red haired peoples in "Our Cousins Across The Sea." 

 They moved to these places migrating north and became the people called Caucasians today or Anglo's and it is believed by many researchers that Tut's DNA and others are R1B because as stated they were adopted into royalty at a time in the past by a king finding this to be attractive. By this late date in history when Tut lived, the people that ruled for all practical purposes appeared to be white but we know now that they are directly related to the ancient dark skinned kings of Egypt also. That is another fairy tale myth, the word Pharaoh was not known in Egypt! They had kings and they called them such. No one called them Pharaoh. That is a white man term. 

This new group of R1B descendants with this red gene are believed to have at one time branched off of the R1A group that was darker skinned, and after this mutation we now believe these 'mutants' were forced out or made to live in their own area just as we see evidenced in other primate studies with hybrids. We believe that this human nature to push away those that are 'different' came from whatever brings this out in Chimps and Howler monkeys also.  As a result the group banned together and went north, not so much originally because they recognized they liked living their better due to the sun conditions but at first were simply pushed that way hence the R1B is the group today referred to as "northern European" and the R1A the "Southern". The southern group is still darker skinned also. 

What we have is the southern group today that is still darker complected and is lacking specific genes the northern group exhibits. Recent findings by Russian scientists and geneticists disproves the "Out Of Africa" claim. Re-examining the "Out Of Africa" Theory and the origin of Europeoids (A.K.A.- Caucasoids) in light of DNA Genealogy. Seven Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Six (7556) haplotypes of 46 subclades, in 17 major haplogroups were considered, and the findings that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNP's M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118, (Haplogroup A and it's subclades SNP's ) or M60, M181, P90 from Haplogroup B. (1) 

1)Klyosov, A. & Rozhanskii, I. 2012 "Re-Examining "Out Of Africa" Theory and the origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) In Light of DNA Genealogy. Advances in Anthropology, 2, 80-86

The question then becomes, what took place between these two groups to split them apart causing a mutation in one as well as  a very unique and complicated language and linguistics of the Basque people today of which the R1B group is all related to? This group of people tell the story quite simply that a group of survivors from after a great cataclysm showed up on their shores one day and asked for help. At or around the same time that this occurred other survivors showed up on other shores to the south and north in what is today Ireland. In yet other parts of the world still more survivors turned up in various pockets also leaving the tells in the genetic lines as they went.  We believe the long head peoples were mostly coastline dwellers and some upwards of 60,000,000 of them vanished in this cataclysm according to documents found with Pacal. 

Then in time these surviving groups mated together with the peoples already there in Ireland, Spain, France all along the coasts and became well ingrained and the offspring of these people became the Gaelic, Irish, Scottish, and Basque people and all those related to them to this day. The Vikings are direct descendants of these peoples!  Before all this occurred, and before the migrations north, at some point in their travels they had become lighter skinned than their ancestors by some event.. 

This group is the same group of Red Beard peoples found in China and also the group today called Arayan's  or Aryan in India Arayanians as we know them to be today in India also spelled, 'Iranian" in English. Whatever you wish to label them is fine its the same red haired or 'ruddy complexion'  people that sailed the seas known as 'Persians'.  This same line is the group responsible for Gray Eyes (Genghis Khan).

In another time, in another age of hominids with minds and eyesight thought to be brighter than the current version roaming the earth today a meeting took place between two different species of peoples!  This group we know as R1A is believed to have come upon another hominid group in their travels. It was that chance meeting with the other unknown group that is believed responsible for this mutation that made this R1B mutation possible. This group of survivors was apparently small in number, and it apparently was able to mate with and produce viable offspring with the R1A group of darker skinned migrants that it met in these places. Some say these survivors may have already been familiar to these other peoples from trades previous to the cataclysm but whatever the case they came together for good afterwards. 

We believe that if this Cro-Magnon ancestor is real that trace markers are going to be evident in the DNA at some point in time as we learn more. For if this group existed, whatever this group of survivors was a meeting of this type better explains the new group formed from this meeting that had fair skin, blue eyes, and RH negative blood type as well as a very high cranial capacity and intelligence quotient. It may have been a slightly different line of Neanderthal that had mated with some other species in it's past, that it carried forward in it's own line until this meeting to introduce those specific different markers.

We know from studies done on primates and even with other types of animals that  a form of racism does occur when hybridizing takes place. We have witnessed this with Howler monkeys and more. There is a video below, titled, "Children Of Lemuria" by Robert Sepehr that I recommend you watch on that if you do nothing else while here. It is very short, very to the point and it is exactly what created all sub groups of hominid hybrids as they formed. Our own built in bias pushed these mutants out the same way Genghis Khan was berated and pushed out causing him to react by building his own empire.